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Art Department Studio Babelsberg GmbH

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14482 Potsdam

Phone: +49 331 721 3150

E-Mail: info(at)ad-sb.de
Internet: www.ad-sb.de

Managing Director: Michael Düwel

Register of companies: Potsdam district court, No. 17236P

VAT ID-No.: DE232618879

Idea + Content: M. Düwel, R. Samtleben,
J. Hamann

Design + Development: a7digital GmbH

The authors of this publication have spent considerable effort over a long period of time in order to determine all image copyrights and copyright holders for the purpose of honoring the copyrights and document the images with proper references as to their origin. If we were unable to succeed for a particular image, we respectfully request the copyright holders to contact the Art Department.



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+49 331 721 3150

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